“Shorty’s spirit is everywhere on the farm.” 


The Museum is located in the house where the Lawsons lived for nearly fifty years. It is part of the Bowes Farm, 217 acres and buildings, consisting of the original big house, the four-room Shorty Lawson house, a two-story feedbarn, tobacco barns and outbuildings. Shorty’s house was originally constructed for the Bowes children, using the same materials as the big house with bead board interiors walls and ceiling and a standing-seam metal roof. It was heated by a two-sided fireplace. It is located in Person County, North Carolina. Contact Randolph Hester at rthester@frontier.com to arrange a visit.


“Don’t condemn if you see a person has a dirty glass of water. Just show them the clean glass of water that you have.” (Malcolm X recalling the advice of Elijah Mohammad)